My actual display was okay but I do wish when comparing it to others that I had the other assignments represented as well. I was much happier with my poster when it was in onscreen size but this is perhaps because it is my first time making an image with Photo Shop and therefore I didn't have any experience in how the reproduction would look. I used a cardboard box beneath my poster to hold all my journals for viewing but this would require the viewer being interested enough to pursue my work further before these would be viewed, instead I think it would be much better if there was as much work as possible on display without overcrowding the space. This would show the scope of my work and there would be a higher chance of one of the projects interesting the viewer.

With this first experience I have learned a lot that I would like to apply next time I have a presentation week. Although I was not unhappy with my own display, viewing it I think there is quite a bit more I could have done to really make my own work standout.
All in all I have been very happy with my work over semester 1. As with most things in life there are things I would like to have improved had I had the extra time but I am on the whole happy. It doesn't feel like we have been in the BCT long but looking at all the work presented this week it shows how far we have come and how much of our studio practice has developed throughout the year so far.
I can't wait to see what is in store for semester 2.